Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fitnah and Qazaf

Last Saturday at Sg Ramal Dalam,a place which played a historic role in the country's arduous journey to reform, ABIM's President put a reminder that ABIM should not fall behind in engaging the issue of slander and false accusations (fitnah & qazaf). He asserts that fitnah is a great transgression and may result in one being in the category of fasiq - evil and even lose all measures of trustworthiness.

He extolled that we should bring about this awareness to society, to the masses. He related that when he was back for the holidays in his kampung in Tumpat, relatives asked mostly concerning two things, politicians jumping ship and about the ongoing case against Anwar Ibrahim. His answer to the first question was rather lighthearted, simply saying that his experience in ABIM saw no party defections. But to the ongoing case, he said it was slanderous and we should avoid it at all costs for we should never be associated with oppression - zalim.

This is a strong message and a firm signal from ABIM and in the latest draft statement concerning the issue of fitnah and qazaf, ABIM, WADAH and PKPIM together came out strongly urging an end to the shameful saga of the persecution of Anwar Ibrahim. This statement referred both to Islamic shariah and Malay cultural tradition as the fundamental basis in coming out against the continuation of slander and false accusation.

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